Mike Shaw transformation

I’m 5’10 and my starting weight was 270lbs and I’m currently running maintaining with the app at 203lbs. This has been with 3 cuts and one mini cut over 2 years.  When I found my RP my fitness level had declined over the past 5 years. Looking back long before RP in 2008 I was 345lbs.

I decided to start loosing weight on my own and had worked down almost 100lbs. Fast forward back to 2017 I had lost my love for the gym and gained back to rough 270lbs, which was when I was introduced to RP. I had discussed my interest in CrossFit with A close friend and CrossFit coach, who was running a massing template at the time. I checked over the website and instantly ordered my diet template. I was eager to get back into fitness and the healthy lifestyle I was living years prior. My wife and I were also expecting our first child and I wanted to be a role model and set an example for him as he grew older. 

The biggest challenge I faced at first was having my wife understand the new world of dieting / weighing my food & my growing interest to work hard in and out of the gym. It took some time for her to understand that dinners had to be prepared differently and I expressed how important it was to me. Over some time she started to understand and gave me the reigns in the kitchen so our meals could be catered better to fit my macros.

The other challenge was I dove in all or nothing so I had to teach myself that if I went off plan or missed meals, it wasn’t the end of the world & to pick up and move forward. A day here and there in the grand scheme of a cut , especially over years does not make or break a cut and it was a great mental freedom when I realized that.

The thing I enjoy the most from RP is how easy and flexible the “diet” is. I no longer see the way I eat as a diet but for just eating towards my goals, whatever they may be. It’s helped me completely transform not only my body but mind to being a healthier , stronger & all around better person. I’m much more happy and my fitness level has never been better. I can easier say at 30 I’m now by far in the best shape of my life. I’ve made an extensive CrossFit homegym over this time I can now share with my friends and family, and have also branches into running. I’ve achieved things I never thought I was capable of and continue to do so where this I’ll be running my first half & full marathon! 

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